All the information that you will read here belongs to their respective owners and was only added to shopvizslas.com as a source of information for all Vizslas owners.
Please visit vizsladatabase.com to register and learn more about the thoughtful work of its owners.
The Vizsla Database is a an international collaboration of breeders, owners and fanciers who strive to have a unified collection of Vizsla pedigrees and photos from all of the registration bodies across the world. The database is maintained by volunteers in various countries. The pedigrees are carefully screened and cross-checked against the registration bodies when possible for accuracy.
The best way to contact them and receive fast support is through their website with their appropriate channels
Using the Quick Search at the top in the navigation bar, you can search in two ways:
Type part of a dog's registered name and choose an option from the list to be taken to the dog's details page...
Anyone can search for Vizsla by a variety of options such as name, registration number, country, sire or dam and can search for breeders and owners of Vizsla by name, kennel name or country. At the bottom...
Some advanced features are available to registered users of the site. Registration is absolutely free and there is no annual fee for our members. Once logged in, there will be an additional drop-down at the top of the browse...
Logged-in users can also take advantage of our test mating utility which not only shows a pedigree of the proposed mating, but calculates COI for the litter, shows ancestors, siblings and a vertical pedigree....
See results and winners from recent shows. (Currently limited to UK shows until others volunteer to submit data.
Anyone can submit a pedigree to the administrative team for entry into the database. All of the data entered is evaluated by the team for accuracy.
his form will generate a submission request for our team to enter your dog/pedigree into the database. It will NOT instantly add your dog to the database.
The Vizsla Database is entirely maintained by a group of volunteers across the world. If you need to add or edit something in the database, we'll be happy to...
Copyright © 2025 The Vizsla Ranch is a registered trademark under The Vizsla Rizzo Ranch and affiliates. The shopvizsla.com domain name, logo and names are all rights reserved worldwide. It is not allowed to copy the logo or any content here. All rights reserved.
Send Us an E-mail: contact@shopvizslas.com | sale@shopvizslas.com | support@shopvizslas.com | legal@shopvizslas.com | marketing@shopvizslas.com
Phone: (888)720-3472 | Email: sale@shopvizslas.com
We are pleased to announce that we have two puppies available for June, as one of our former clients has postponed for the next litter. If you are interested in acquiring one of these puppies, please complete the provided questionnaire. Only those who meet our requirements and fill in the form correctly will be considered.